ou found it! So what is the "WTF?! SDK" pray tell?
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The "WTF?! SDK" is a suite of Flash tools formerly known as a "WoW inspiredside-scrolling, Flash-based,
RPG, SDK"... which was a mouthful. We built 'em to help make WTF?!. It's 100% freeware for you to do whatever with!
Here's some screenshots.
NOTE: We're posting everything in a .air file (~14.7 MB download), including all the game and art asssets used for WTF?!.
Due to changes in the way Adobe Air handles certificates, AN ERROR WILL HAPPEN DURING INSTALL. The way around it is to TEMPORARILY SET THE SYSTEM CLOCK ON YOUR COMPUTER BACK to a date PRIOR TO OCTOBER 2017, do the install, then change your clock back. Sorry, that's the best we can do.
one Editor... Define any number of looping background layers;
independent speed of layer scrolling; import and position objects in real-time; set spawn locations, level range and density for items and characters; specify zone exit/entry locations;
weather table and layer specific effects; and much more...
olor Picker... Assign each layer unique graphics and color tinting; assign key-framed time of day tinting changes based on a 24 hour clock that automatically interpolates color values; and much more...
uest Editor... Supports creation of multiple quest types - collect, kill, escort, object initiated, chained, etc; define completion rewards (gold, experience, and items); identity,
level range, and progress checking; support for grouped check lists; create quest text for introduction, objectives, progress, completion; and much more...
tem Editor... Define Item stats for any equippable slot; create temporary effects on basic character statistics;
allow summoning of other characters; set run speed/jump height adjustment; set descriptive "flavor text"; create control effects (fear, stun, incapacitate, banish); stealth activation; and much more...
bility Setting... Set item abilities such as type, whether item effects stack, stack limits, duration; link associated graphics; create descriptive text summarizing abilities for player; and much more...
haracter Editor... Create custom characters; choose attributes and behaviors based on pre-defined templates or create your own;
attach pre-set animations or make custom ones; create character tinting effects based on state; determine default equipped gear; author chat dialogs; define complex sets of behaviors; set loot tables; and much more...
rojectile Editor... Choose from a seed particle list to build more complex projectile effects; set properties for projectiles (name, duration, damage, trail effects, movement patterns, etc); preview the settings; and much more...
article Effects Editor... Design and test custom particle effects, highly optimized,
based on duplication of single seed image; attach sounds to effects; trailing, impact, splash, and change over time effects; and much more...
nimation Editor... Browse and link a series of image frames to custom character animations; associate animations with behavior states (idle, jump, attack, stun, death, cast, etc); define which frames get used;
set bounding boxes to establish impact areas; and much more...
haracter Action Editor... Define specific actions to use to control custom NPC behaviors; tie actions to custom animations and specify primary and secondary use types; specify movement speed and angle, interrupts, sounds, and particle effects;
set impact effects including damage multipliers, range, force, angle; and much more...
haracter Behavior Editor - Flow View... Create complex NPC behaviors and scripted events; view behaviors in "Flow" mode (diagram) or "Full" mode (code); define custom states for NPCs to switch to based on action conditions; and much more...
haracter Behavior Editor - Full View... Set NPC faction based on specific states; set auras (ground color upon selection) independant of faction; link a variety of predefined conditions to code blocks; easy enough for non-programmers to use; and much more...
haracter Dialog Editor... Define complex NPC and player dialog trees; trigger dialogs based on custom state lists; allow NPCs to "make" player character speak/respond; establish percent likelihood of dialog to occur; and much more...
haracter Quest Handling Editor... Determine which quests get handled by particular NPCs; define whether NPC gives and/or finishes a specific quest, and/or serves as a progress checker; create custom greetings for quest-handling NPCs; and much more...
haracter Equipment Editor... Link items to characters; create custom abilities for characters (similar to the WoW spellbook); view the combined stats of characters as equipped; and much more...
layer Editor... Define characters to use as main player character (up to 4); create custom identity markers that can be tag-referenced to display in quest text to create a personalized feel; select unique starting area for each playable character; set custom player capabilities such as run, jump, and attack and dodge velocity/angle; and much more...